Thursday, September 13, 2012

Math is All Around!

Math is All Around Us!

     For this week, you'll be writing about math and all the different ways we use math in our daily lives. For example, when we go to the grocery store, planning a design, or while following a recipe, we are using math. Let me know why you think it's important to practice basic math skills and what your short-term goal is to help you build strong basic math skills. 


  1. Dear Friends,

    Some of the ways that I use math in my everyday life include buying stuff at the store and knowing how much change I should get. Lets say I want to buy a pack of gum for $1 and I only have a $5 bill. Using my math skills I know that I should get $4 back. I also use math to make my triple drink at home (I use ¼ ice, ¼ water and ½ juice), determine whether I’m tall enough to go on a ride at the amusement park, and measure out the food to feed my dog. Lots of times when we’re on a long car ride we also count cool stuff like American flags, police cars, fire trucks, and ambulances.

    I use the pull-down and the jump-up method for math because it makes it easier for me.

    During this summer, I opened a bank account at Chase Bank. I used math at home, to count how much money I had to deposit. I opened my bank account with $345. Then when I was leaving the bank, I found a $5 bill on the ground. In my bank book, I added $5 so then I had $350 saved.

    I think it’s important to practice basic math skills because the more we use math, the more excellent mathematician you will be. My short-term goal to help me build my math skills is to do chores so I can get as much money as possible so I can count it and add it to my bank account.

  2. Mia Wilson

    I think it is important to practie basic math skills because it helps you get better at aditoin, subtraction, multiplucation, and divition. My goal is to get better at basic math skills. When I go outside if you see leaves, count 14. Then count 14 more. Add 14+14=28. Or count 300 lelaves. Well amagon 300. Then subtract 49 and see how much you get. We practice these math skills to get better at them. Say we are adding 44+80. We would take 4 off of 40 then add that. Ovcorse it's 120. Then add the 4 and you get 124. I had a great time telling you about our and my math skills.

  3. Amanda:

    In my daily life, I use math skills to earn and save money. I do chores around the house like walking the dogs and feeding the dogs, and washing the cars, and I get paid money. Then I save the money to buy things I want. I like to save to buy American Girl dolls. So far I have one and am saving for another. I also use math when I have a lemonade stand. A glass of lemonade is 25 cents, and I made $1.00 the other day.

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