Thursday, September 27, 2012

Favorite Genre

For writing this week, you will be asked to write about your favorite genre of literature and what makes it so appealing to you! Please also include a book that you have read that you would recommend to someone else and why would recommend it.  Here's a list of popular genres! 

  • Action & Adventure - stories where there's an element of danger and risk. 
  • Fantasy - stories that deal with magic, mystical elements and supernatural abilities, as well as supernatural creatures.
  • Historical Fiction - stories set in the past and describing the events and characters' lives.
  • Mystery - stories that contain crimes and puzzles, such as detective stories.
  • Science Fiction - stories that are based on scientific facts. SciFi includes theoretical future science and technology.
  • Realistic Fiction - stories that have fictitious characters and events, but are realistic and can happen in real life. 
  • Informational - stories that state facts in history and tell when, why, and how in science.


  1. My Favorite genre of literature is informational. I would like to read books about the weather and how tornadoes and storms are formed. I got a book from the library called "Why does lightning strike?" I liked the book because it talked about lightning and how it is formed. I also liked that tornadoes can be as big as Carlsbad. Do you know why snowflakes are always shaped like stars? They are actually tiny crystals that get formed into stars. From Gavin.

  2. Genres, genres, genres I love genres. Genres are different kinds of writings. For example, if I was reading John Appleseed and you were reading a mystery book, those are different genres. My favorite genre is realistic fiction. I like it because it is true stories but funny. My favorite book is "Like Pickle Juice on a Cookie". I think that it is a good book because they show a lot of expression. I would recommend this book to realistic fiction readers. I LOVE READING! Sarah

  3. I like Informational books and stories. My favorite book is "I Survived the Sinking of the Titanic". I have also read other books about shipwrecks and boats My Library book, this week, is "Draw 50 Boats, Ships, Trucks, and Trains". I like Informational books because, I like to learn about things.

  4. Dear Friends,

    My favorite genre is Science Fiction. I like it because of the machines and robots and the technology. I like the book Who Was Steve Jobs? I would recommend it because the book has a lot of information. I think it is the genre Science Nonfiction and the genre biography. I also like the genre Mystery. Because of the detectives and the crimes. I also like the book The Lorax. I think it is the genre Realistic Fiction because trees can get cut down in real life but its make up characters. Its so fun to learn about genres.

  5. By Evelyn
    My absolute favorite genre is Realistic Fiction. Why...well as a little kid, I always liked reading stories that could happen in real life.Little did I know stories like Junie B Jones was not a real person. Then as I got older I began to know that Junie B Jones was not a real story of a real person that really lived. If I were to name a few books that are Realistic Fiction I would "say" Junie B Jones and the books Junior Classics like Secret Garden, A Little Princess,Pollyanna,and Little Women just to name a few. Why would I recommend these books to my friends... well because they are all great books and you could pick either of them and you'll be happy.

  6. Mia Wilson
    I have two favorite genres. I like fantasy and realistic fiction. I like fantasy because I love magic and fairys. For fantasy I read Rainbow Magic. I would definitely tell somebody to read it! I finished one hole book the day I got it! It is called Ava the Sunset Fairy.

    I like realistic fiction because my puppy place book is realistic fiction. It could be true. The last puppy place book I read was Pugsly. I like to read because the book is intersting and cool. What is your favorite genre?
